Nostalgia and Depression: An Emotional Tug-of-War

Feelings of nostalgia are frequently positive. Scientists have discovered that it can also result in negative feelings, which have been termed to as nostalgic depression.

Nostalgia includes feelings of sentimental yearning or attachment to the past. When people think back on and recollect important events in the past, they experience nostalgia.

In general, nostalgia is a good thing. According to several experts, feeling nostalgic offers both psychological and physical advantages. However, it can also include a sense of despair as people miss parts of their earlier lives.


A person with depression may have symptoms that interfere with their everyday activities, thoughts, and feelings. And the negative emotions that people experience when reflecting on the past are referred to as nostalgic depression.

When contrasting pleasant memories with present negative experiences, it may give rise to misery. It can also indicate having troubling emotions when someone is unable to recapture the past but wishing for it.

According to recent research, when people experience nostalgia, they could concentrate on unpleasant memories. Positive portions of the same memories may be excluded. An individual may experience emotional anguish if they believe that their past was happier than their present. Depression-like symptoms could then result from this.


In 2020, a study examined nostalgia by researchers.  They discovered that nostalgia can increase a person’s risk of developing depression. They also discovered that following a bad event, nostalgia may make people think negatively.

These problematic thoughts may increase a person’s tendency to reflect on the past and feel more nostalgic. This could start a vicious cycle of melancholy and regret by inspiring additional detrimental thoughts.


Strategies for Managing Nostalgic Depression

There are several strategies one might use to deal with depression brought on by nostalgia.


Remain realistic

A person may selectively recall certain memories. Individuals going through nostalgic depression may idealize and focus on only positive aspects of their past.

Maintaining perspective is beneficial for developing mental resilience. This could entail remembering a more realistic picture of the past rather than just the good things that happened in the past for those suffering from nostalgic depression.


Engage in mindfulness and meditation.

By practicing mindfulness, one learns to pay attention to what is going on in the present moment without passing judgment. A person practicing mindfulness can be more appreciative of their surroundings and more proactive in handling problems.


Build meaningful relationships

Developing connections and interacting with others helps lower an individual’s risk of depression and other health issues. By establishing new contacts or getting in touch with friends and family, people may be able to lessen their feelings of loneliness caused by nostalgic depression.


Obtain professional help.

Nostalgic depression is not an officially designated mental health disorder. For those who are depressed, mental health specialists can provide support and direction by:

  •  teaching techniques to help individuals cope with negative thoughts or navigate stressful events
  • offering psychological support
  • investigating the underlying cause of their health condition


Some Local Links:

Mental Health and Addictions Services

Includes services and programs offered by Nova Scotia Health and community partners. If you are unsure of which option is right for you, call their Intake Service at 1-855-922-1122 (toll-free) and a clinician will help determine what services and supports best meet your needs.


Mental Health Acute Day Hospital

The Mental Health Acute Day Hospital cares for people with intense mental health issues or concerns. It offers more closely monitored care than what is offered by community MHA clinics.

You can come to the Day Hospital during the day and return home in the evening. The Day Hospital offers intensive care and goal-directed group and one-on-one therapy.


Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq – Mental Wellness Team

The Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Mental Wellness Team provides case management and service navigation for First Nations persons of all ages seeking mental wellness services.


Nova Scotia Brotherhood Initiative

Nova Scotia Brotherhood Initiative is a free program for Black men to access health care in the community to improve overall health and wellbeing. A team of health care professionals provide culturally appropriate primary medical care plus health and wellness services for men of African descent across Halifax Regional Municipality.



Psycom. What Is Nostalgic Depression?

Healthline. Those Happy Golden Years: Coping with Memories That Bring More Pain Than Peace.

American Psychological Association. Speaking of Psychology: Does nostalgia have a psychological purpose? With Krystine Batcho, PhD

Pub Med Central. Nostalgia and Well-Being in Daily Life: An Ecological Validity Perspective