The Importance of Muscle Recovery during Training

Building muscle isn’t just about working out at the gym. You need to pay attention to your muscles outside of the gym as well. Recovery is key, and there are a number of steps you can take to help your muscles recover after a workout.

Your body needs time to recover between workouts. When you go to the gym and lift weights, you’re actually causing tiny micro-tears in your muscle fibers.

That’s how you build muscle — through that process of tearing down and rebuilding muscle fibers. But your body can only rebuild those fibers when it’s fully recovered from your previous workout.

Whether you’re looking to build muscle or getting flat abs, you need to pay attention to your post-workout recovery routine.


Make use of a foam roller. Using a foam roller can help boost blood flow to your muscles and reduce post-workout discomfort. It may also help you enhance your range of motion.

Place the sore or tight part of your body over the foam roller to use it. Maintain this position for 20-30 seconds. Then, carefully roll your body part back and forth over the roller, pausing occasionally to concentrate on regions that require more attention.


Consume your post-workout meal within two hours after your workout. Your body will remain in a state of muscle breakdown during this time frame, and an important phase of your recovery to create the most impact. Try whey protein powder with almond, soy, or chocolate milk as the “shake” part of this meal. Add peanut butter or banana for more carbs, and maybe throw in some flaxseed oil for healthy fats.


Rehydration is another critical component, especially if you’ve exercised vigorously or worked up a sweat. Rehydrating your body promotes muscular flexibility, strength, and avoids muscle pain. Consume at least 16 ounces of water or nutritious beverages such as coconut water, green or black tea, and kombucha.

You might also go for a low-sugar sports drink. These beverages include electrolytes such as potassium and salt, which can help to prevent and treat muscular cramping.

Avoid excessively sugary, caffeinated, and alcoholic beverages, which might dehydrate you.


Take a power snooze. A nap after workout can help with muscle recovery. Your pituitary gland produces growth hormone when you sleep, which your muscles require to repair and develop tissue. This is necessary for muscular growth, athletic performance, and reaping the benefits of exercise.
Sleep deprivation slows muscle repair and impairs the immune system, both of which result in poor athletic performance. Napping can aid in muscle healing and provide an energy boost. To avoid feeling sluggish limit your nap to 20 minutes.


If lean muscle gain is what you want, this article had provided you with post-workout tips to support your muscle building journey.

Stay disciplined and motivated; Stick to your training schedule and before you know it, you’ll be enjoying the rewards of having a lean, muscular physique.

Happy training!!